This post is dedicated to some of the new features I recently deployed. First, however, I would like to thank the open source community for the uncountable lines of software code it has written and published and for freedom as the freedom to modify code such that it best fits own needs is, I argue, one of the greatest things in software development. Sometimes it takes awhile to understand the code written by others but modifying code is often an awful lot quicker than writing stuff from scratch.
I added some features that hopefully make the blog more interactive and fun to readers. Beside leaving comments, you can now recommend a post to other readers. The most recommended posts are displayed on the right. Thus, if you like a post, click the Recommend link you can find below every post title. (It is also displayed how many times a post has been recommended by readers.) I added the functionality to send a post per e-mail to your friends; to send, select the E-Mail link below every post title. At the bottom of every post, there are a number of icons that allow you to share the link to the post you are reading on social networking sites like Twitter & Co. Simply select the button of your preferred service. Finally, I simplified feed subscription. For both the blog posts and the comments, you can now add the feed directly to a set of services (e.g. Google Reader). If your service is not in the list, you can select the raw RSS 2.0 feed.