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Markus Stocker

Between information technology and environmental science with a flair for economics, the clarinet, and the world of soups and salads.

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I argue that if you have ever walked on US streets you must have noticed parked cars with running engines. I do all the time, weekly a couple times.

The most recent episode. I was walking to the office, which is located in walking distance from my apartment. Just a few feet away from the office door, I noticed on my left a Parking Enforcement car. All good. Then I noticed the running engines. Not so good. From behind, I couldn’t see anybody sitting in the car or staying around the car. Definitively not good.

To be fair, I wasn’t sure if the noise was caused by the engine of the car or coming from behind a fence next to it. I wondered and moved closer to the front of the car, my left ear over the hood. Clearly, it was the engine. While lifting my head, I saw a man sleeping on the left seat.

My guess, the engine had been running the entire night.

I’ll stop here and won’t comment any further, it just makes me upset. If there are three people who will reply to this post and encourage me to finally knock at doors of parked cars with running engines and friendly ask if there is a reason for it (perhaps there are reasons I don’t get), I might seriously start to do this (including the police, which BTW is one of most frequent offender).