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Markus Stocker

Between information technology and environmental science with a flair for economics, the clarinet, and the world of soups and salads.

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Dear reader, you might have read the story featuring The Best Ginger Tea Ever & me, struggling to replicate it – rather unsuccessfully.

One of the most delightful secrets of life is, I believe, how beauty is hidden in simplicity.

My dinner. Couscous mixed with cherry tomatoes, onion, tuna, red pepper, spicy olives, some black pepper, basil and a mildly spicy yellow curry powder. I love it, though, the highlight is what I’m sipping: Spicy Ginger Tea. Yes, I just narrowed the gap by light-years and I feel like I have discovered a secret little precious treasure.

Now, if you believe, UPS or FedEx were fast in delivering from Milwaukee or Norway, I’m sorry, wrong guess. Here is where the beauty of simplicity comes into play. Simplicity is: You just make it. Take a ginger root. Peal and slice it to tiny slices. Let water boil, reduce to a simmer and add the ginger. Cover it. Give it 15-20 minutes. Enjoy.

I believe, there still is a gap to The Best Ginger Tea Ever but to be sure, honestly, I would have to try them both together; The gap dwindles. Perhaps, now it is just a matter of finding quality ginger root.

What a perfect evening.